Lake Invaders

The Fight For Lake Huron


Lake Huron, one of the five parts comprising the Great Lakes, has been hit with numerous exotic species invasions over the last century. Each invasion changes the ecosystem in ways we can't predict. Fish populations have collapsed, the entire food web completely altered, and a multi- million dollar industry has dried up. Biologists are racing to understand these changes and restore balance to the third largest lake in the world before the next invader arrives.

On Location

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  1. GVSU Film & Video Major

  2. DNR Alpena Research Station


Directed by GVSU professor John Schmit, this Emmy-nominated documentary tells the history of exotic species invasions in Lake Huron and describes other invaders looming on the horizon.  Biologists from around the Great Lakes describe the invaders, the damage they have caused, and efforts to manage Lake Huron's ecosystem and multi-million dollar fisheries.  The film crew also followed DNR biologists out on the lake for their annual survey of fish populations.  The result is a mix of good news and bad news, but the main concern is preventing another wave of invasions through Great Lakes shipping channels.

"I felt this was a story that needed to be shared with the people of Michigan, of the Great Lakes region, and with all who cherish these amazing freshwater resources," said Jim Johnson, a research biologist and manager of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Alpena Fishery Research Station.

Having worked on Lake Huron for more than 20 years, Johnson connected Schmit and his crew with dozens of people whose lives are closely linked to the lake, including an international group of biologists known as the Lake Huron Technical Committee, who share fishery and resource management responsibilities for Lake Huron, and influential resource managers such as Dr. Howard Tanner, who has served as both Chief of Fisheries and Director of the DNR, and remains a member of the Lake Huron Citizen Fishery Advisory Committee.

"Hopefully, an informed citizenry will use the information from the film to help influence the legislative and regulatory agencies' current debate on ballast water management," said Johnson.

About the Film      Running Time: 56 minutes

A new documentary about the Great Lakes and invasive species.

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